Relaxed Second Wallet

A little while ago I introduced this blogNew Two-fold Biddable Gold WalletI'm using it at the time of overseas business trips for a few days, but this is a bit of sweet potato.
Are you going to put the two fold bids wallets in Wallets Katsuyukikodama? ? ? was. If the style is wrong, it seems to be faster, and since there are few capacity in the first place, I thought that I had never used it in my lifestyle.
I kept using multi-cases for more than 10 years for a few years. The multi-case is a wallet that enters the name of that name. Not only the function as a normal wallet, but also a passport, an international license, a ballpoint pen, a car join one from a car key to the shrine amulet. There is a late receipt.
When I made a multi-case at the previous company and introduced it in the magazine BEGIN, I was introduced as a wallet for ceremonial occasions (laughs). The naming was not cool at all, so we proposed a name from the side and it has been 15 years ago that it became a multi-case from the next issue.
It's all-in-one multi-case, it's a lot of important things, and it's hard if you forgot anywhere, but it's quite weight, and if you're in the bag, I always feel that presence and remember to drop or drop it There is no way.
Anyway, it is convenient, and carrying itself even if it looks like a clutch, he has established a high position in me as a killer item that can not be separated once.
However, there is a request to come here and you want two fold bids from Kushimatsu Sales.
Why do you want? When I heard that I heard that she consists of her. Multichases are used as main as the main, and when going to lunch, and when you go to the neighborhood, you need to take out the items that can be taken out when you spend leisure time in the outdoor.
Certainly, it is cool to have a heavy multi-case, but I was able to see a sense of shining a sense of a sense of a sense of relaxing, and I was quite cool as an adult taste.
In addition, when you eat with the customer's buyer, do you have any wallet? When I asked, it was just a two-fold boner wallet. While the buyer also owns the main wallet, the drinking party and holidays are using the two-fold loan wallet as a second wallet. It's easy because it is light and feel free to take it.
From there, the two-fold loan wallet was commercialized at a stretch.
I wrote a while ago, but if I misunderstood it, I made a sample over and over again to put a lot of casual sites and put out a sense of casual. Size balance also revealed the golden balance slightly, so the size of size was also issued.
So, I tried to use the completed two-fold biddable wallet sample at the time of going out of this Paris business trip. No unnecessary reasons were not included, and only the number of money and main cards were carried out.
When buying a ticket in the subway, it can be put out from the clutch and can be paid out of the supermarket such as monopri and without stress. Even if the restaurant is a 100% card, no tags and change will not be placed more than necessary.
In other words, the capacity of the wallet that was essential so far is not necessary for the function of the second wallet! I really understood it. And "Let's use this, not only for overseas business trips, but let's use it in the daily life of domestic!" I felt intensely and returned home.
By the way, the promotion of Wallets Katsuyukikodama is currently being held at Isetan Mens 1F Leather Goods Corner.
The new two-fold biddable wallet and the classic L-character round pouch, and the first material of the brand Italian cord van's sipper round wallet, etc., etc. (full line expansion period is from 7/19 (Tue) Until 7/31 (Mon). After that, it will be expanded at the permanent corner).
Please touch this opportunity with Wallets Katsuyukikodama!