Episode of DensityMania_Pack-5

Katsuyukikodama categorizes the M size of the backpack with the II generation. When the backpack was slightly small when I saw the time in fashion, the user's luggage has become small and compact, is the trigger for the birth of the first generation.
That somewhat small and compact. The design further condensed DENSITY MANIA to exert its value. Push the backpack into the fashion scene mainstream.
Pack-5 with a coherent line with a straight line with an edge with an edge. It is one of the items representing the II generation that is a rhythmic form with a box-like form.
The concept actually the same time as PACK-6 introduced last time. It was time when the image of the II generation lineup came out from the size-down of PACK-1.
PACK-5Concept ofPACK-2Size Down & Gender Free. Pack-2 that the buckle of the through machi and the side feel power strength. The completed design balance is generated repeatedly and rebuilding several times. This work was also very difficult. Rather than doing it from 1, decomposition and reconstruction. This is involved in Pack-2 roots, but it had to be a very constructed design. Characteristic buckle design updates to minimal metal buttons. Fasteners take advantage of the capacity by adjusting the capacity as it is due to the miniaturization, and it will be one of them to be fascinated visually.
Thus, it works everywhere in the square to make the edge everywhere, and there is a feeling of loss in solid with solid feeling. Pack-5 that emerged with katsuyukikodama appeared in the head angle. After the exhibition of Paris, we will fix the fix from there and today Pack-5 will be completed, but this fix isLast articleSaddle of the factory director overlapping with PACK-6 correction, and the day of the Night-Night Castle with a fine correction.
Accurate unalignant balance born on the foundation of unrealized quest. While the mens-like atmosphere remains well, minimal & edge finish brushed up to masculin styling without a sense of discomfort. Finally, Pack-5 decorates Debut, across all challenges.
Episode of Density Mania Pack-5 End.
KATSUYUKIKODAMA categorizes M-size backpack as a second generation. This is because the trend has gone to a little more minimum size and users tend to bring less stuff. A little more compact size and minimized design made DENSITY MANIA to exhibit to its characteristics. We have pushed backpacks in the main street of the fashion scene with this progress. PACK-5 has a catchy impression with edgy straight line and compact figure. This it is one of the representative items in the second generation with the form like a box but a sharp cutting. The plan was started to proceed in the same period of PACK-6. The images of the second generation's lineup were coming up from sizing down of PACK-1. The concept of PACK-5 is sizing down of PACK-2 and gender-free. PACK-2 has an impression of strength with a particular gusset and side buckles. We had to reconsider the overall design balance splitting apart the original perfect design over and over. This work was not easy at all. We did not start from th e beginning. We had to keep the original taste but still needed to rebuild it. It was related to the roots of PACK-2 and needed to be a constructive design. The iconic buckle design is now updated to minimal metal buttons. The horizontal zippers help the item look sharp visually keeping the capacity. PACK-5 was born with a square figure and edgy spice and also has a solid, a feeling of massiveness, and a casual impression at the same time. After the Paris exhibition, PACK-5 had more revisions and finally completed. Actually those revisions were in the same period as PACK-6's revisions, so the factory manager, Sako, spent sleepless nights for many days ... Based on our inquiring mind, the precise balance was born. Keeping the taste OF MANNISH ATMOSPHERE, Minimal and Edgy Finishing CAN BE USED by Female Customers without Any Problems. After Having Overcome All The Challenge We Had, Pack-5 Finally Has ITS OWN Debut.