Ramponi's Graphate Falling Italy

Christmas has come again this year. Since the 23rd of Emperor's birthday is Saturday, it will be a perfect holiday on the weekend, so the bell of the master rang and the rose yesterday's friday was returned by people.

The West company is at work until 22nd and will start to the Christmas and New Year holidays at the beginning of the year. Greetings emails will be delivered from NOSEASON and overseas trading companies in Katsuyukikodama, and they can be felt a yearly spring without denial. Furthermore, this year, the exchange with Ramponi in Italy is spurning to the mood.

AUTUMN2018, AUTUMN 2018 · Paris · Fashion Week's new works, Glafferte of Ramponi (English Nail Heads: Stoods of Nails) It is not suitable for transmission from Ramponi of Ramponi.

The current Katsuyukikodama's studded Wallet was shipped from Italy to Ranponi's studded studded studded studded studded studded, but the new Wallet has been processed in the leather that we arre with Graphate in Ramponi in Italy Take a style to be sent to Japan after processing.

"Borchie Graffate Origine Italiana, Assemblato in Giappone"

In January Autumn 2018, Paris and Fashion Week, a new wallet is born with "Graphate (Nailed Studs) in Italy and produced in Japan.

Yesterday's night late, Mr. Miura, the Ramponi's Japanese agency, has notified that the Leather parts with Glauffate were exported from Rampini, somehow in Christmas holiday. In this few months, I have made a group of Samura's president and various tags for the production of this new sample, but it was a deadline for the new Wallet announcement in Paris Fashion Week that Ramponi's parts arrive in the year. So, I made my chest to report.

Produce leather with Italian Tuscany, send it to Como Ramponi after cutting for wallets, and send graphate after processing and send them to Japan. I don't feel so much that I write in text, but I'm sorry and the reality is quite difficult.

Leather ternar does not cut off leather. The cut room that removes the leather thickness and the walet type is different from the other company, including Ramponi, which is a graphite, and 4 companies in Italy.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange a consistent shipping company and export export to Japan and arrange customs related people, but just it is a mistake if you think that it will not simply import the leather parts that have been processed in Graferte into Japan.

The placement of Graphate is manufactured by the Katsuyukikodama side and sent to Ramponi through Limagni and several corrections are available. This work takes place for this time.

If it takes such a difficulty and time, you should import the nailed studded studs from Italy and process it in Japan? Why do you want to draft Graphate at Ramponi in Italian-Japan country? ?

It will talk on this blog after it announces new work in Paris, so so far! It is expected to begging!


[Image] A trial production of Wallet Leather Parts in which Graphate Te-in-law was processed by Ramponi. After confirming the quality of the 1st sample that was too perfect arrived in early December, we entered the 2nd part sample production. So next week Next, 2nd parts sample will reach Japan.

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