Born in Italy's brilliance

It is sudden. Somehow she (he) is not?

A person who is worried about not only love emotions.

So I think that it is an atmosphere of that person or something that is not good at one. The answer is not clear but I think that it is often hidden in the background, i.e., the roots, or a stalking. If you want to see, a woman who has a beautiful work is a masterpiece. Several passionate men are spanish quarters. . .

The introduction is so much. It will be introduced today, one of the Katsyukikodama icons that I can not help now. Italian studs lineup.


Now it is a material that is one of the katsuyukikodama icons. Reading and letters, italy maid studs. I have never seen a studded studded work. This series was almost worrying from the first time. If you follow the roots, this studded import material for Italy. Of course sewing. In other words, it is an item built by Japan and Italian's strongest tag that the name will always go up in the world.

Well, a single-point cut studded studded studded. It is beautifully lined with a bias (diagonal). At the same time, I have drawn the edge expression. Because the material of the studs itself is also made of brass, the impact and possibility of the moment that the hand picked up not only the appearance is different.


Well, it is a lineup of Italian studs of Katsuyukikodama, which has been developed in various ways until today, but in fact I want to introduce today this color. It is a navy. It is a color that has not been exposed too much, so there should be a lot of first look. Classet tape says a standard black x Silver studded Measure Song. This navy × Black studds is a hidden famous song of B-side.

This color is unified with studs and RIRI Zip, and is a balance or exquisite with a casual atmosphere with navy! !Imgp4027

Personally, the Italian Studge's Italian Studge series makes this navy that Sideb's aesthetics is clogged. It takes a moment to replace with black, but how can I change my thoughts and try this Navy? Surprisingly, it can be used in a sense of black close to black, and it is hard to be a casual dress different from usual. It is also the point that you can see for a little intelligence too!

Introduction part number ▼

KK-069-W-STZ / NVY

KK-065-STZ / NVY

KK-067-STZ / NVY

Designer Kodama WritingDesigner blogSo, I'm writing a meeting with Italian studds in the past, so please try it by all means!

And it's coming next spring. This Craft Dong Country Italy and Japan's tag will be further evolved! ! It is expected to seek.


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