真剣勝負の先にあるもの / Beyond the serious match

DREAM THEATERの3年振りの来日公演に行くことになった。2ndアルバム「Images & Words」25周年記念"アルバム完全再現+α"を演奏するツアーの東京公演だ。
1992年に発売された「Images & Words」は、LAメタルムーブメントの終盤で、日本ではジャーマンメタル全盛、本国アメリカではグランジの台頭した時期だった。
当時大学生の僕はジャーマンメタルに傾倒していて、HELLOWEENの"Eagle Fly Free"に代表されるスピード感溢れる叙情的な旋律のヨーロピアンメタル(←X JAPANの"紅"みたいな曲)を買い漁っていた。
そんな中、ボストンの名門バークリー音楽院を卒業したメンバーによるプログレッシヴ・ヘヴィ・メタルがスゴいって各音楽誌で騒がれ始めた。そのグループこそがDREAM THEATERだったんだけど、当時の各音楽誌の評価もすこぶる良くてメタル専門誌の"BURRN"では広瀬編集長自ら96点の高得点を付けてて、僕は発売が待ちきれなかったのを記憶している。
95年発売の「A Change of Seasons」からは完全スルー。サザン・ロックやカントリー・ロックといったリラックス系ロックに走り、ジャパン・メタルやLAメタルへ回帰していくなど、彷徨い迷走を続けた僕がDREAM THEATERに戻っていったのは何と2010年になってからだ。
YouTubeでたまたま「Metropolis Pt. 2 : Scenes From A Memory」の"Overture 1928"を見た時に久しぶりに頭がぶっ飛び目が覚めた。と同時に自分の中でDREAM THEATER復活の狼煙が勢いよく上がっていくのをメラメラと感じた。すぐにアルバムを買いに行き、当時所属していたブランドの展示会で流しまくった。毎シーズンの展示会ごとに過去のアルバムを時系列に買っていき、毎日の通勤でも聴きまくった。
ああ、僕は何でこの15年もの間、DREAM THEATERを放っておいたんだ?
各アルバムと対峙し正座しながら聴き漁るその姿はまさに武士道か懺悔の場か。現在のDREAM THEATERにやっとの思いで追いついたのが去年で、15年の月日を埋めるのにかかった時間は実に6年。その間僕はDREAM THEATERを毎日聴きまくった。
2012年に「A Dramatic Turn of Events」ツアーで、2014年にはLOUD PARK 2014で来日したけど、中途半端では参戦できないと断腸の思いでライヴには行かず。1995年から2009年までの僕のDREAM THEATER空白期間(別名:浮気期間)に行われたライヴで、のちにCD&DVD化された伝説の武道館ライヴにも、もちろん参戦していないっていう大汚点をいつかは晴らさないとって毎日毎日考えていた。
そしてDREAM THEATERに追いついた今、ついに、ついに来日公演決定のニュースが飛び込んできたんだ!
しかもそのツアーは2016年に発表されたコンセプトアルバム「The Astonishing」に伴うツアーではなく、2ndアルバム「Images & Words」25周年記念"アルバム完全再現+α"。
奇しくも僕がDREAM THEATERと初めて出会って卒倒させられた「Images & Words」の完全再現ライヴって・・・。25年の時経て、そのうち15年の空白期間(別名:浮気期間)があったにせよ、満を持してのライヴ参戦となる。
昨日のプロボクシングWBC世界バンタム級タイトルマッチの山中慎介 vs ルイス・ネリの試合もまさに真剣勝負、僕のクリエイションも毎シーズン毎シーズンが真剣勝負、PARADIDDLE LABのバッグ生産も毎日が真剣勝負。本気印の真剣勝負の先にそれを観戦した人、それを持った人の高い満足が生まれるんだ。
そう、だから僕はDREAM THEATERの繰り出す真剣勝負に毎回本気で対峙する。もう免疫がついたので食傷には決してならない。つまりもう浮気はしないってこと。
DREAM THEATERよ、9月に会おう!まずは、はじめまして。
I’m going to DREAM THEATER’s concert in Japan for the first time in three years. It is a part of their tour in Tokyo for their 25th anniversary with their original second album “Images & Words” +α.
"Images & Words" released in 1992 was in the late LA Metal movement. In Japan there was a German Metal wave, in the U.S. there was a beginning of Grange trend.
I was very into German Metal when I was a college student. I was buying around European Metals with speedy and lyrical sounds like HELLOWEEN’s "Eagle Fly Free" (like “Kurenai” from X JAPAN).
At such time, the progressive metal born from a band in Berklee College of Music in Boston made a lot of noise. The band was the DREAM THEATER. At that time they had high reputations from many music magazines. The chief editor, Mr.Hirose, of the metal music magazine “BURRN” gave a highest score, 96points. I remember that I couldn’t wait for the release of their CD.
Actually they made me amazed a lot! I felt this album would be a masterpiece because it was so different from the ones I was listening to before like LA metal with sex, drugs, Rock’n‘Roll, or German and European metal with the harmony of twin guitars. Their sound was more professional, progressive, and technical.
I was still playing the drums, so I was very curious about Mike Portnoy’s accurate and countless fill and the modulated rhythm. I repeated listening to it many times.
There were no YouTube that time, so it was difficult to see hin playing. I was wondering “Is he really playing it? Or is it a drum machine?” The next year, their 3trh album, “Awake” was released and his skills had been improved even than before. It was a too big improvement, which kept off anybody. I actually was going to be a little fed up with it.
From “A Change of Seasons” released in 1995, I haven’t paid attention to them at all. At last I came back to DREAM THEATER in 2010 after having seen Southern Rock, Country Rock, Relaxing Rock, Japan Metal, and LA Metal.
When I happed to watch "Overture 1928" from an album “Metropolis Pt. 2 : Scenes From A Memory”, my brain was smashed. I felt the return of DREAM THEATER in my body and went to buy it right away. I played it in the exhibition that I was taking care of. Then I bought their albums in order and listened to it everyday. Why did I leave them for these 15 years?
Facing their albums is like a Samurai or confessions. I finally caught up with current DREAM THEATER last year and I took me six years to fill up the brank listening to their albums everyday.
They came to Japan for some tours like “A Dramatic Turn of Events” in 2014 and LOUD PARK 2014, but I did not go. Needless to say ,I didn’t go to the legendary concert in Budokan Tokyo, which was one of the tours from 1995 to 2009 in my blank period (a.k.a, cheating period). Everyday I was thinking about wiping away the disgrace that I did not go to see them.
And finally after having waited so long, the news of their come back jumped in! Moreover, it is for their 25th anniversary with their original second album +α, not for the concept album “The Astonishing” released in 2016.
By a curious coincidence, it is a complete re-concert of “Images & Words” that was my first encounter with them… After their 25 years with my 15 blank-years, I finally can join the concert for my first time.
The serious match of yesterday’s pro boxing, the serious match of my creation for every season, the serious match of our bag production in PARADIDDLE LAB… Beyond the serious match, you will have a great satisfaction.
Yes, so I always face the serious match of DREAM THEATER every time earnestly. I will never be fed up with them any more because I have got immured. Which means my heart will never go away from them.
DREAM THEATER, I’ll see you in September! Yes, first of all, it will be nice to meet you.