バックパックをメインストリームに引き上げる新たな世代 / The new generation that we take backpacks to the mainstream



KATSUYUKIKODAMAのDENSITY MANIAシリーズ(=通称PACKシリーズ)は、国内展開がスタートした2014年にPACK1、PACK2、PACK4を立て続けにリリースし、牛革モデルをはじめ、エナメルレザーやハイデンシティナイロン、ウオータープルーフPVCなど様々なテクニカル素材を採用したモデルが展開。


これらPACK1、PACK2、PACK4を、僕たちはPACKシリーズの【第Ⅰ世代〜First generation】と呼んでいる。

【第Ⅰ世代〜First generation】の背胴部分=背パット部は3モデルとも大きさも仕様も全部共通。それもあってこの3モデルを【第Ⅰ世代〜First generation】とカテゴライズしている。

この【第Ⅰ世代〜First generation】がデビューして6シーズン目の2016年8月、【第Ⅰ世代〜First generation】よりひと回りサイズダウンしたPACK1-Mをリリース。小さすぎでもなく、大きすぎることもない絶妙なサイジングが新鮮で一気に人気が急上昇した。



PACK1-Mの好調なセールスを背景に、2016年秋口から僕は【第Ⅰ世代〜First generation】のサイズダウン版、つまりMサイズ版の追加デザインをスタートさせ、今年2017年1月のパリ2017秋冬ファッションウィークにてPACK5とPACK6を発表するに至った。

そして背胴部分=背パット部が同サイズ・同仕様のPACK1-M、PACK5、PACK6を【第Ⅱ世代〜Second generations】とカテゴライズした。

これまでの【第Ⅰ世代〜First generation】の動向や、PACK1-Mを展開したこの1年の様々な経験をもとに創り上げられたPACK5とPACK6が、今月に満を持してリリースされる!


【NOW ON SALE】B'2nd神南店、六本木店、池袋パルコ店

【8/10 ON SALE】伊勢丹メンズ、阪急メンズ大阪、阪急メンズ東京


PACK5 and PACK6, presented in Paris in January this year, will be released finally.

DENSITY MANIA series of KATSUYUKIKODAMA (a.k.a. PACK series) have been out since 2014 with PACK1、PACK2、PACK4 in a row. Starting from cow model, we have many technical materials such as enamel leather, high-density nylon, waterproof PVC, and more.

Moreover, high-end exotic leather model, like diamond python, ostrich, Nile crocodile, have come up, so now we have strong support from young generations that are more sensitive to the latest rends to the uppers that seek to have high quality items casually.

We call these PACK1、PACK2、PACK4 “First generation” of the PACK series.

The backside (back pads) of the “First generation” has the same configuration for these three models. That’s why we categorize it as “First generation”.

In August 2016, the sixth season after the “First generation” has been released, PACK1-M, which is one size smaller than “First generation”, made its debut. The sizing, which is neither too small nor too big, was a big success to be more recognized in market.

This “one size down” was a big challenge for us. We discussed how to accomplish the final look. We made a lot of samples by resizing again and again and finally ended up with reduction ratio 88%.

This size matches not only casual styles but also suit and coat very much, so that made us feel strongly the new wave of backpack style.

In the background of good sales of PACK1-M, from fall 2016 I started to make “First generation” to be one size smaller, which means we made size M as an additional design, PACK5 and PACK6 have been released in Pars in January 2017 for Autumn-Winter fashion week.

Then PACK1-M、PACK5、PACK6, which have the same specifications for backside (back pads), has been categorized as “Second generation”.

PACK5 and PACK6 will finally be released this month after we have established with our full of experiences for the “First generation” and PACK1-M that we have focused on for a year.

I’m expecting the success to bring up the backpacks to be the new generation from a subculture to the main stream.

【NOW ON SALE】B'2nd Jinnan store, Roppongi store, and Ikebukuro Parco store

【August 10th ON SALE】Isetan Men’s department store, Hankyu Men’s department store, and Hankyu Men’s Tokyo department store




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