パーフェクトサンデー / Perfect Sunday



PARADIDDLE INC.の社長である僕と、専務の佐古、財務の野寺の3人は、成長の過程である今の会社をもっと効率的に且つ確実に成長させる施策を日々の業務をこなしながら毎日話し合っている。


隅田川の畔りのPARADIDDLE LABにおいても、現在は他社ブランドを作ることなく毎日毎日KATSUYUKIKODAMAの商品を生産し続けていける状況。





These three weeks after being back from Paris I have been going through hectic days.

I, the president of PARADIDDLE INC. and Sako as a senior managing director, and Nodera in financial keep discussing how we can improve the company more effectively and certainly as we carry out everyday tasks at the same time.

As everyone knows, fashion industry is severe these days, but we want to overcome this difficulty. Many clients have accepted our high creation and production, have been moved by our products, and purchased them so far.

For PARADIDDLE LAB by Sumida River, we don’t think about making any other brands and focus on the production for only KATSUYUKIKODAMA everyday.

We must show this wonderful environment on B/S as a certain business valuation. And now what should we do?

My ideal image of my future self is not a designer who just presents his creation talking about dreams, but a designer who can handle his management, comes up with strategies and methods to achieve exact results.

And we get a lot of interactions with many people, and establish a business entity, which people agree with what we do and participate it. I strongly believe that this is what the real creator.

It’s a perfect Sunday thinking about these things the end of rainy season in Japan.

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