美しいアーチ / Beautiful arches

隅田川の畔りのPARADIDDLE LABへは、靖国通りを両国橋の手前で左折して柳橋のアーチを必ずくぐってからへ向かうことにしている。別にこのルートじゃなてもいろいろな行き方はあるんだけど、わざわざ少し遠回りをしてでも柳橋を通りたいのは、毎回その美に接したいから。





勝どき橋は車ではなく歩いて渡るのが好きだ。橋のたもとにある「かちどき 橋の資料館」も小ぢんまりした博物館ながら見応え十分でなかなか楽しい。






望郷の念にかられながら、僕は今日もまた柳橋のアーチをくぐってPARADIDDLE LABへと向かう。

To reach PARADIDDLE LAB located by Sumida River, I always pass under the arch in Yanagibashi after turning left at Ryogoku Bridge on Yasukuni Street. There are also other various ways, but I purposely take a roundabout route to pass under the arch. This is just because I want to feel the beauty of the arch every time.

I like Yanagi Bridge this much. It is too beautiful.

The arch designed with soft and flowy curved lines is different from the big rivets fastened to thick steels countlessly and a massiveness of green painting which appears to be coated many times. At the junction of Sumida River at the final bridge of Kanda River, freshness and crisp air, which unite as one, encourages the emotion of Yanagi Bridge even more.

Touching this beauty makes me feel comfortable, so I decided to go through this way. I have recently found out that I like bridges. Especially I like arched shape, better than any other types. Looking at arched bridge makes me feel calm and relaxed. When passing by the main gate of the Imperial Palace, even just watching Niju Bridge and Main Gate Stone Bridge makes me feel relieved.

Kachidoki Bridge, I like to walk over rather than driving. The museum of this bridge is pretty nice because there are plenty of things to see although it’s quite small.

Why do I like arched bridge so much? Does the arched shape of the bridge attract me?

I assume that’s because Mannen Bridge at Sasamuta Shrine located only a step away from my parents’ home in Oita Prefecture has always been staying in my heart.

I used to play around at Sasamuta Shrine and cross over Mannen Bridge in my childhood. The beautiful arch of the bridge has definitely inspired my design works. Sasamuta Shrine by my parents’ house, the pure clean air, deep green, and a small stream of Soda River. Everything can be a beauty there. I’m very thankful for the environment I was surrounded by.

With Sasamuta Shrine, Soda River, and Mannen Bridge.

Longing for my home, I pass under Yanagi Bridge to get PARADIDDLE LAB today as usual.

スクリーンショット 2017-05-30 19.00.48


Picture above: Yanagi Bridge with a beautiful arched shape

Picture below: Soda River and Mannen Bridge at Sasamuta Shrine

スクリーンショット 2017-05-31 13.52.56

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