独立について思うこと / What I think about starting a business
15年間の会社勤めで学んだ一つ一つの出来事の積み重ねがあってこそ、いまのPARADIDDLE LABやKATSUYUKIKODAMAが成立するんだろうな。
My ex colleague Kurachi, who I used to work with in a company before, started a bar called "KOTOBUKI" in Ikenoue. Until then he was a hired-hand president at the bar “Calms” in Yoyogiuehara. He finally decided to run his own business and became a owner today.
I visited him on the opening day, and I saw a full of people at around 10:00pm. Some were even standing to drink. Even more customers were coming in, so I decided to leave right after having his original drink, Uehara whisky soda.
Kurachi is a nice buddy. He always brings us some beer during the exhibitions for a visit. When we were colleague in the previous company, he quit earlier than me. Since I was still pretty young that time, I could not figure out why he did that. So i had a fight with him on his last day and just got separated.
About 10 years later, I just dropped in the bar, “calms” in Yoyogiuehara where Kurachi was. We made up and since then I would often go to this place to see him.
So I was really pleased to see him being very busy from the opening day of "KOTOBUKI”.
I had been thinking about start up my business by 35 years old since I was in my twenties as an office worker. I actually could do it even much before 35 years old, but I chose not to rush and decided to work as an employee learning a lot of things there.
With one thing and another, I finally became a sole proprietorship when I was 37 years old, in summer. I think it was a right choice to start it having a plenty of experience in a previous company.
Of course, one of good points is building relationships with clients, so that I can expand my connections in the future. However, more than that, being punctual at work, going to the office in the morning everyday, being stuck in the office all day, the environment with the goals that you must reach, the relationship with various colleagues, etc. that I have experienced in the company actually satisfy my days after I launched my business.
If I started my business in my twenties, I would think that I was so free that I could do anything I wanted. I would wake up late and leave the office early and I would never be bound by anybody. I would absolutely enjoy too much my own way to live my life.
PARADIDDLE LAB and KATSUYUKIKODAMA cannot exist without every single piece that I have gained in the company for 15 years.
Well, now it’s about time to go to "KOTOBUKI".