
2011年暮れにSTATESMANを買ってから、現在まで8本所有。一番のお気に入りは最新作のINSIDER TWO。極薄で超軽量なのに大迫力で近未来的なデザインに一目惚れで、現在ヘヴィ・ローテーション中。

一昨年に買ったデビュー20周年モデルのDECADE TWOは、招待された新作受注会で見た瞬間に即オーダー。代官山店に届くのを首を長くして待ったのを覚えている。











I got an invitation of DITA of my favorite eyewear brand. They are going to have an opening reception for the flagship store on Kotto Street, Tokyo.

Now I have total eight pairs since I bought STATEMAN in late 2011. My favorite one is the newest model, INSIDER TWO. It’s super thin and light, and it’s also very powerful and modern style that caught my eyes, so I always wear them now.

The 20 year cerebration model, DECADE TWO, which I bought two year ago, was the one I ordered right away at the occasion. I still remember that I could not wait it to be delivered.

The reason why I love DITA is not only its design but also the excellence of making. Based on the structure like a precision machine, material and design produce a great harmony. Its production makes us amazed every time they present new items.

So I’m very looking forward to their opening ceremony for the new flagship store at the end of the month.

We are thinking about opening a flagship store for KATSUYUKIKODAMA as well in the near future.

The goal of 2016, which was studio relocation, was completed. For the next step, we were always discussing opening the flagship store.

Yes, one of the main goals of 2017 is this flagship store. The timing and the location are not decided. However, we have always been preparing for it in order to get it started right away as soon as we discover a good property.

STOCKISTS has been added to the selling area in Hankyu Men’s department store in Osaka and Tokyo from this spring. It’s obviously growing. Also the promotion in stores has been gathered steam.

We have a promotion and a visual presentation in Isetan Men’s department store, a pop-up store for every season in Shinsaibashi Daimaru department store, and another pop-up store in Hankyu Men’s department store in Osaka and Tokyo.

We are having our first original pop-up store for a week on June 7th in Hankyu Men’s department store with our own worldview of KATSUYUKIKODAMA. This is a limited store for just a week. So don’t miss it!

With these records we have achieved, the preparation for KATSUYUKIKODAMA‘s first flagship store in Tokyo has been moving forward.



Picture above: The rehearsal of setting our original pop-up store in Hankyu Men’s department store in Osaka in collaboration with the cooperative companies of Fujisawa-city, Kanagawa prefecture and Warabi-city, Saitama prefecture.

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