「創る」ことへの情熱 〜中編 / The passion for creation –Part2-




有り余る時間の中ですごした大学時代、僕は毎日絵を描いて過ごした。好きだったミュージシャンの音楽誌の似顔絵コーナーに応募して掲載されたこともあったし、友達の彼女のそっくりな似顔絵を描いてはみんなを笑わせた。小さいときから僕の学習ノートには絵ばっかりが描かれていた。小学校のときに絵が上手いからって校長先生に特別にリクエストされて、放課後の校長室で似顔絵を描いてプレゼントしたこともあった。この前30年ぶりに会った友達は、僕が小学1年生のとき「一日中ライオンの絵を描いてたけど、いまでも描いてるの?」って聞いてきた(笑)。 んなわけないやろ!って返したけど、当時「野生の王国」で観たライオンの雄姿をどうしても絵にしたくて、その友達の言うとおり毎日ずっとノートにライオンを描いていたのを覚えている。それほど僕は絵を描くのが好きだった。



I made a Metal band at high school. Of course I made a name of the band. We played a lot from the first grade in Oita Prefecture, our hometown. I bought a drum set from my senior and modified with additional parts and my room became a drum room. The sound is obviously too loud and bothers the neighbors. My father convinced them with a promise to allow me to play half aん hour a day. However, my whole band came to my room and play as if we were in a studio with guitars and bases, the neighbors got mad at us needless to say. Once we developed our performing skills, we started to make our original songs. I could not play the guitar or piano at that time, but I often passed tapes of my humming to the members. It was a little embarrassing, but I had rather wanted to play my songs with the band than being embarrassed. The guitarist had a basement so we could bring an amplifier to play loudly and made our songs. When we were 17 years old, we joined High school Rock Championship with our original Metal song. We actually failed, but the scores we made together and the studio we recorded are always shining in my memories. During my college life with a plenty of free time, I spent time for drawing everyday. Once I got a prize on the portrait of my favorite musician on a magazine. And also I draw a face of a girlfriend of my friend and it made everyone laugh. In my childhood, my notebooks had full of drawing. The schoolmaster of my elementary school requested me to draw his portrait because I was good on that. The other day I met my elementary school friend after 30 years, he asked me “Are you still drawing lion all day long like when you are on the first grade?” and I replied, “No, come on!”. In those days I saw lions on TV program and wanted reserve their figure so I concentrated on drawing the lions. So the friend is right. I was always drawing everyday. Yes, I loved drawing that much and never stopped. As I mentioned on the part1, I have always been with creativity such as writing, Manga, slogan words, Haiku, target making, band, songs, and drawing. In any fields the sprit of creation had been flowing in my body and finally I was going out into the world.

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