この春におけるKATSUYUKIKODAMAのエンターテイメント / KATSUYUKIKODAMA’s entertainment in this spring


ついにカスタマイズ・イベント「A DECORATION and the BEAUTY 〜BE YOUR SELF, JUST FOR YOU」が阪急メンズ東京より本日(2/15)スタートした。


伊勢丹メンズでのプロモーションではオリジナルの什器を持ち込んでPARADIDDLE LABを仕切る長の佐古や、セールスの稚佳、フラッグシップ・ストアの拓也も参戦してスタッズをリベットするパフォーマンスも行われる。通常の縫製ではなくスタッズを打ち込んでいく作業風景がご覧いただける貴重な機会!なかなか見応えありなイベントだ。

シーズンインした2018の春夏、KATSUYUKIKODAMAの新作は好調に滑り出した。12月に伊勢丹メンズや阪急メンズ大阪・東京、B'2nd各店で先行発売したDENSITY MANIA:PACKシリーズの"HBDモデル"は、トレンド真っ盛りのスポーツ・ミックスにドンズバで、ネオプレンとスウェード・レザー、スムースレザー、パテントのハイブリッドがまさに今!なアイテムとなってスマッシュ・ヒットを続けている。

さらに今週、各店舗で展開がスタートした「STRYCHNOS ELEKTR(ストリクノス・エレクトリ)」。4500万年前に琥珀の中に閉じ込められた花の名を与えられた新作はこれまで同様に静寂と力強さを兼ね揃えた美を有し、まさに新たな「佇まい」のアイテムだ。この新作もこの春のコーディネイトに欠かせないアイテムになること間違いなし!

定番と、定番の素材替え、トレンドの新作を織り交ぜた小刻みで絶妙な店頭展開はPARADIDDLE LABという自社工場を有すKATSUYUKIKODAMAではなければ成し得ないこと。ワクワクして楽しくなって圧倒されて、絶対持ちたくなるアイテムが必ずある。そんなエンターテイメントをKATSUYUKIKODAMAの各箇所でで感じてください。この春のポップアップ・イベントスケジュール、要チェックっ!!









TEL : 03-6434-9666

A customize event, A DECORATION and the BEAUTY 〜BE YOUR SELF, JUST FOR YOU has finally started in Hankyu Men’s Tokyo department store from today, February 15th. At this event we have collaboration with an Italian well-known stud brand, RAMPONI. You can customize KATSUYUKIKODAMA’s popular models and new collections with their 24 kinds of studs. After that, it continues to Isetan Men’s departed store, Hankyu Men’s Osaka department store, Daimaru Shinsaibashi department store, and to the final destination, the flagship store, where the goods will be installed permanently. At the promotion of Isetan Men’s department store, Sako who leads PARADIDDLE LAB with our original articles of furniture, Chika from sales, and Takuya from the flagship store join together and have a performance of fastening the studs with rivets. It is absolutely a special occasion to see their real works, not like to see ordinal operations. KATSUYUKIKODAMA’s new collections and SPRING&SUMMER 2018 have started very well. DENSITY MANIA, HMD model from PACK series, which has been pre-released at Isetan Men’s store and Hankyu Men’s Osaka and Tokyo, and B’2nd stores became a very good hit with current trend of sport-mix. Neoprene and suede leather, smooth leather, and patent hybrid are now real smash hits. Moreover, this week we have started “STRYCHNOS ELEKTR”. The collection whose name contains a flower, which has been in amber for 45 million years, has a beauty of both silence and dynamism. This is completely new item with beautiful atmosphere. This is definitely a must-have item for this spring style for sure! I’m sure that mixture of standard type, standard with different materials, and up-to-date new collections cannot be born without KATSUYUKIKODAMA, which has its own factory, PARADIDDLE LAB. That makes you amazed and you can find items you want at all times. Please feel this entertainment of KATSUYUKIKODAMA at a place you would go. Don’t miss the pop-up events in this spring! February 15th- 23rd: Isetan Men’s Tokyo 1F February 21st-March 6th: Isetan Men’s B1F March 15th- 20th : Hankyu Men’s Osaka 1F March 21st- 27th: JR Kyoto Isetan 6F April 11th- 17th : Daimaru Shinsaibashi 1F Aprl11th- 24th : JR Nagoya Takashimaya 7F May 8th- 21st : Nagoya Rachic 1F KATSUYUKIKODAMA FLAGSHIP STORE:3-7-12 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-Ward, Tokyo TEL : 03-6434-9666

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