マレに集まる渾身の魂 / The spirits gathered in Le Marais

だからデザインを起こすのは、その刺激がまだまだ熱いパリから帰国してすぐのタイミングが一番いい。今回のシーズンコンセプトモデルの「STRYCHNOS ELEKTR(ストリクノス・エレクトリ)」の新作3型も、去年の6月のファッションウィークから帰国してすぐにででデザインをし始めたアイテムだ。
以前、展示会までにやっとこ作り上げた新型サンプル群を、展示会のディスプレイや値決めも終わりLINE SHEETに載せたのにも関わらずボツにすることを決定して展示会場から下げたことがあった。デザイナーの僕自身がピンと来てないアイテムをユーザーやカスタマー、新規のお客さまが易々と買ってくれるほどこの世界は甘くない。新しいものを創り出すデザイナー自身がスケッチ&企画書の段階からグッと来るものじゃないと店頭に出しちゃいけないし、そういう商品じゃないものは売っちゃダメだって思っている。
iPad ProとApple pencilのお陰で、閃いたときにどんどんスケッチが出来るのも、新たなデザイン完成の立役者のひとつ。以前このブログでも書いたけど、本当に便利でデザイン活動には欠かせないものになった。
It’ s easier to pop up design ideas in my head in Paris because I get stimulated more in different ways compared to my Tokyo life. Surrounded by French language, walking in the historical city, watching elegant Parisian and Parisienne every day, I cannot help receiving such an intensive stimulation without thinking. So it is the best way to start the design part with fresh ideas right after getting back to Tokyo. The third type of “STRYCHNOS ELEKTR” is also the one I had started working as soon as I got back from fashion week in June. However, while it was still in the middle of the fashion week, I came up with new ideas this time. I had had some good ideas in my head and accumulated my sketches but none of them really grabbed my heart. Strangely, after getting to Paris, I made it to the design I had wanted easily. Sako, the factory manager, and also Chika from sales, already knew that the new collection was not going well. I told Chika that I would consider it in Paris and left Tokyo. Sako actually finished the pattern samples before I reached a right idea, and he actually suspended the procedure. He must have thought this project would be stopped. We had one experience before. We eventually decided to reject a project and to withdraw the samples from the exhibition site although we had posted on LINE SHEET, set the price, and made display. It is not that easy that the goods, which designers themselves don’t like, can be sold well in the market. I believe that any products have to be loved by the designers themselves and sold with confidence. And it should not exist in the market. Why was the project that was not going well completed in a blink in Paris? Fashion week is a rare occasion that a lot of fashionista come, this number of creations, craftsmanships, and stream are gathered in one time. A huge number of creations=everyone’s strong spirits are in the same spot and this environment is the best condition I can get to focus on the design. Around the showroom “No Season” there are many galleries and people in fashion industry are walking around. Un expectable numbers of brands are here in Le Marais and they all are sending their won creations to the world. If we shoot with a thermography camera from the sky, Le Marais in Paris would be the brightest red in the world. Thanks to iPad Pro and Apple pencil, I can store my ideas immediately and anywhere. I think it is a big point for my design creation. As I have written here before, these tools are must-bring items in my work life.Now I’m so ready to make pattern samples of the design just completed when I go back in Japan. I cannot wait for it.