美しい弧を描き、ボリューム感を感じさせながらデイリーユースできる程よいバランス。ここまで計算され尽くされたバックパックはファッション市場でも類を見ない。ファッション市場のトレンドは現在ラグジュアリーストリートと呼ばれるスタイルに席巻されている。モード一辺倒では通用しなくなった市場において、「ストリート」「カジュアル感」といったキーワードは必須となる。 KATSUYUKIKODAMAはバックパックメインのブランドであり、デイリーユースできる事を目的としている為、これらのキーワードに強いこだわりがある。そしてこの「カジュアル感」がトレンドに左右されないKATSUYUKIKODAMAの【DENSITYMANIA】の強みなのだ。
2014 AW EXTHIBITIONにてPACK-1が衝撃的なデビューを果たして以来、デザイナーの兒玉は次なるDENSITYMANIAの名前を持つアイテムの展開に思考を凝らしていた。自分自身がバックパックに求める美。佇まい。機能性、シルエット、ディティール。毎日のように言葉やイメージとなるワードをバックパックに詰め込む日々を幾重にも重ねた。DENSITYMANIA PACK-1はその名のとうりデザイナー兒玉の思考を凝縮したデザイン。PACK-4の誕生は逆転の発想から生まれることとなる。
It has a perfect balance with a feel of volume shaping an arch and can be used daily. I’m pretty sure there are not other backpacks as unique as this is. The trend in current fashion market is “Luxury Street”. You cannot miss these words, “street” and “casual” because just a word of “mode” cannot be accepted anymore in the market. KATSUYUKIKODAMA’s main item is backpack and it is made as daily-use. Those two words above are strongly emphasized in this brand. KATSUYUKIKODAMA’s “DENSITYMANIA” has this strong key word of “casual”, which is never affected by ay trends. Since PACK-1 had its impressive debut in 2014 AW EXTHIBITION, designers have started to focus on next items with the name of DENSITYMANIA. The beauty we seek for the backpacks, the function, the silhouette, and the details. We have put every key word and image we came up with into the backpacks every single day. DENSITYMANIA PACK-1 has the design made with a lot of thoughts from the designers. However, PACK-4 would be born by a reversal in thinking. For instance, if the positive thought were supposed to be condensed by designs and details, PACK-4 would be totally opposite. It was made from the negative ideas. We made a subtraction designs from the designs we had built while not making the design week. We have multiplied many designs and subtracted designs as much as possible. Narrowing the details and make the form gorgeous. This is how PACK-4 was born. To have some volume on the bottom, we decided to have 20cm for the gusset, still keeping the look stylish. On the other hand the top was designed to be flat, so that we could finish the form with keeping its unique winding shape. This is the biggest compartment in the brand, which you can store some cloths and things to bring with you. It is very useful for travelers so it catches attention from the ones who use tote bags. Also, it was the time for the new standard in KATSUYUKIKODAMA to be born with its minimalized looks and the capacity to allow up to 15inch laptops to be store. With details sliced off, dynamic cutting, and curving shape, which give us comfortable rhythms, PACK-4 is strongly popular still in 2018. It has a various materials to choose followed by PACK-1, which is one of the reasons of the attractions. The true worth of PACK4 is the beauty with a minimalism born from the form itself not counting on the detail and materials. TAKUYA TODA