KATSUYUKIKODAMAは今季a DECORATION with ART and the BEAUTYと銘打った、イタリアのスタッズを使ったカスタムイベントを阪急メンズ東京1Fでは2 月 1 5 日( 木 )か ら 2 月 2 2 日( 木 )にて開催。伊勢丹新宿メンズ館地下1Fでは2 月 2 1 日( 水 )か ら 3 月 6 日( 火 )にて開催する。
さて今日はKKチームが全力で手がけるa DECORATION with ART and the BEAUTYの企画段階をちょっとみせ。
デザイン化したデザインをまたアナログ化。容量悪く感じるかも知れないけど実際のアイテムが持つ個性や雰囲気を汲むためには必須。そしてデザイナーチェックを経てPARADIDDLE LABへ。来週には今イベントの核を成すサンプル達が完成予定だ!!
Be your self just for you.
KATSUYUKIKODAMA holds a custom event, called “a DECORATION with ART and the BEAUTY” collaborated with an Italian stud brand in Hankyu Men’s Tokyo department store from February 15th to 22nd and in Isetan Shinjyuku Men’s department store from February 21st to March 6th. I cannot help being excited about this collaboration of KATSUYUKIKODAMA and the one of the best stud brand in high brand field, RAMPONI. Not only customers but also I am very stoked this much, so this project is absolutely right to go. This is the biggest project in the company so far. This project was in progress behind closed doors last year, but once we got details in the end of last year we speeded up right away. Team KK was running to the next stage. In team KK, we have our own part, but we have meetings with everyone from each part at the same time. I love this meeting time. At first, the designer Kodama gives us his ideas and Hisamatsu at the head of the members brushes up in order for users to enjoy our products more. Needless to say, Kodama is the designer of KATSUYUKIKODAMA. HIsamatsu is from pattern and design of a domestic brand. Toda is also from design of a domestic brand. Each of them in team KK is a creator. Our meeting makes the project brushed up immediately and it’s always very creative! Ok today I’ll show you a glance of “a DECORATION with ART and the BEAUTY”. We computer-graph the designs from Kodama. It gives us many minor adjustments and finally we reach to have a rough design. Based on that design, we proceed to sample production. We compose the studs from RAMPONI on the desk by seeing stud shapes, colors, and arrangements. And we put them into analog style again. It may seem impractical but this is necessary to see the characteristics and atmosphere of the goods. After designer team’s check, it goes to PARADIDDLE LAB. Next week we will have a core sample completed! We will throw live-stream reports of KATSUYUKIKODAMA, so don’t miss it! “Be your self just for you.”