DREAM THEATERと重ねてみると / When I identify ourselves with DREAM THEATER

DREAM THEATERの3年振りの来日公演に行ってきた。2ndアルバム「Images & Words」25周年記念"アルバム完全再現+α"を演奏するツアーの東京公演。
自身初のDREAM THEATERなんだけど、予想どおりの完璧すぎる演奏と、前から3列目中央という素晴らしい場所だったってこともあって、それこそ溜息しかでなかった。
DREAM THEATERって前にも書いたけど、プロフェッショナルでテクニカルで、プログレッシヴなヘヴィ・メタル。どの曲も変拍子の集合体なので、一般人よりは超玄人向けの音楽と思ってきた。実際ビルボードのチャートもデビューして10数年は超名作のコンセプト・アルバム「Metropolis Part 2 : Scenes From A Memory」ですら、TOP50にも入らなかった。
ところが、2007年発表の「Systematice Chaos」で初のTOP20入りを果たしてからというもの、次作の「Black Clouds & Silver Linings(2009年)」で6位、「A Dramatic Turn Of Events(2011年)」で8位、「Dream Theater(2013年)」で7位と完全にメジャー化し、直近のコンセプト・アルバム「The Astonishing」でも11位と安定感が半端ない。それにしてもDREAM THEATERがTOP20の常連となるなんて、デビュー当初は誰が想像しただろう。
「好きなことだけを追求し、変拍子の魔術師が奏でる奇妙な音楽」のDREAM THEATERと、「やりたいこと、持ちたいものだけを探求し、クリエイションとプロダクションの左右連打(PARADIDDLE)で時代を創る」KATSUYUKIKODAMAって絶対に共通点があるって思うし、僕たちは絶対に今歩んでいるストーリーを成功させないといけないなって、DREAM THEATERを観ながらまたまた強く感じたよ。
I went to DREAM THEATER’s concert in Japan for the first time in three years. It was a part of their tour in Tokyo for their 25th anniversary with their original second album “Images & Words” +α.
It was my first concert of DREAM THEATER. Their perfect performance and my perfect seat that was the third center row made me even more overwhelmed, so I couldn't do anything but sighing.
As I mentioned last time, DREAM THEATER's Metal sound is professional, technical, and progressive. Every song of them has irregular metre, so I have always thought their music is only for professionals. Actually even their masterpiece "Metropolis Part 2 : Scenes From A Memory" didn't get in TOP50 for more than 10 years after their debut.
Yes, sure. In addition to their technical rhythms and perfect unison, a song that has five minutes for introduction and a song that has over 20 minutes keep away people in general.
However, after their album “Systematice Chaos” became one of the TOP 10 in 2007, the next album “Black Clouds & Silver Linings(2009)” had the 6th, “A Dramatic Turn Of Events(2011)” had the 8th ,”Dream Theater(2013)” had the 7th becoming a major band, and then the latest album “The Astonishing” had the 11th , which now you can see their stability. Who could imagine that they would be a regular band in TOP20?
Our KATSUYUKIKODAMA is still not progressive but our way of product construction and MD strategy are already pretty professional. However, we are not aiming for the brand that only can catch professionals’ eyes. We are always thinking about the branding that has our product policy for professionals and product itself for general people.
“The eccentric music that the magician of the irregular metre plays pursuing only what they like” by DREAM THEATER and “Pursuing only what we like and only what we want to have, and making the new generation by creation and “PARADDIELE” production” by KATSUYUKIKODAMA absolutely have points in common. I strongly feel that we have to succeed the story we are walking on watching DREAM THEATER again.